Ethics Commission


The Ethics Commission meets on an ‘as required' basis. A press release is issued whenever the Commission schedules a meeting.


The Ethics Commission consists of four members and one alternates, who must be town residents and serve a four year term. Current members include:
  • Richard Swanson - Chairman (August 2021)
  • Heather Hobbs-Michael (August 2021)
  • Mary Beth Ruch (June 2024)
  • Carroll Roles (April 2022)
  • Rachel Price - Alternate (May 2021)
There are currently no vacancies on this Commission.


The Ethics Commission is charged with the following duties:
  • To prepare, receive and maintain all forms required by Section 13 of the Mount Airy Code including the annual Financial Disclosure Statement
  • To provide written advisory opinions as requested by covered individuals as defined by the Code
  • To process and make determinations as to complaints filed by any person alleging violations of the ethics section of the Code
  • To conduct public information programs regarding the purpose and application of the ethics section of the Code

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