Streets & Roads Commission


  • 6:30 p.m.
  • The Last Thursday of every odd-numbered month
  • Streets and Roads Commission has been meeting via Zoom and Facebook live due to the pandemic.  The July 2021 meeting will be via zoom and Facebook live.   The Commission will resume in person meeting at Town Hall at the September 30, 2021 meeting at 6:30.

Agendas and Minutes

Agendas are available prior to meetings. Minutes are available following approval.
Most Recent Agendas and Minutes


The Streets and Roads Commission consists of up to seven members including a liaison. Current members include:

  • Mary Beth Obremski - Chairperson (March 2024)
  • Jonathan Samayoa - Secretary (October 2023)
  • Lynne Galletti - Council Liaison (June 2023)
  • Mary Hushour (October 2022)
  • Luci Riegel (February 2022)
  • Carolyn Langille (July 2024)
  • Zachary Fanning (July 2024)
There are currently no openings on Streets and Roads


The Streets and Roads Commission is charged with the following duties:
  • Investigate and make recommendations concerning traffic control and traffic calming measures.
  • Review and provide advice on street, road, sidewalk and gutter maintenance.
  • Undertake such other studies, programs and recommendations as may be appropriate or requested from time to time by the Town Council. Recommendations are taken to the Town Council for approval as appropriate.

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